Who I Am What I Want to Do Events + How to Support

Thank you
for your Support
Fall 2023
Willimantic is a spirited, vibrant, hardworking community.
It deserves a Council that believes in the idea of responsibility that will allow for advocacy and inclusivity.
It deserves a Council that practices transparency in its daily management, and long range planning of its future and information-sharing to help the public stay informedIt deserves a Council that takes appropriate action and is responsive to the community; that leads with legislation reflective of the values put forth for a healthy, happy, resourceful city.
An Important Update: In January 2022 my mother, who was living in upstate New York, was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Two weeks later I fell from the backyard steps and fractured my right knee and tore a major muscle around that knee. I was incapacitated for over eight weeks. I wore a hinged brace to keep my knee together and I used crutches for the short trips to and from important facilities. I lived on the first floor of the house and slept on the magnificent red velvet sofa. I talked to my mom almost daily. Sometimes she didn’t have the energy to talk for more than a few minutes. As my daughter and I scrambled to arrange for transport to visit with mom I took a pause from my community work and I was on leave from my regular job. I managed two visits in which I learned how devastating and ravaging cancer can be and how I will be forever impacted by the way my mom suffered. At a visit with her doctor she gave me clues about how long she thought she had to live but I was trying to be grounded and level headed for her sake and my sake, as well so I took them in stride. I was busy trying to gear up for what else would come given that her first round of chemo/infusion was so incredibly hard and scary. Then in the second week of June I tore the meniscus of my left leg and was incapacitated, yet again. My mom died the following Friday, June 24, 2022, the exact number of months she gave me earlier. I mourned the year through. I am slowly reclaiming the work before me. My mom was proud of my campaigns. My uncle told me so. I will continue to do right by her. Stay tuned for more and thank you for your support.
R.I. P./Q.E.P.D, Rosa Maria Garcia-Nuňez
Check out the examples listed under the "Action" tab.
We established a WFP Town Committee and we seek like minded folks to join it.
If you have a question, suggestion or just want to say hello, drop me a line via email. Subscribe below. Check out the "Action" tab for productive things to do with us!
Again, thank you!